#==============================================================================# # Copyright : 2000-2019 Mobius Partners # # (www.mobiuspartners.com) All rights reserved. # # # # Description: Instructions to update Java for MPmon # # Version Num: All v5.x versions # # # # Last Change: 20190621 Craig Rees (CraigR@MobiusPartners.com) # #==============================================================================# Manual instructions to update Java for MPmon v5.X. Copy / Paste as needed from this guide to apply the update. First, put the new Java RPM file into place: 1. Download the new version of the Java 64-bit RPM file from a site like the following and copy the RPM into /tmp. https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp Second, uninstall the old version of Java: 2. Switch User to 'root' in order to remove the old version of Java, then install the new Java update. If you are not familiar with what the current JRE version/name might be, use the RPM command to find out: rpm -qa | grep jre 3. Use the RPM command to remove the old version including the MPmon directory: /bin/rpm -ev jre1.8-1.8.0_172-fcs.x86_64 /bin/rm -rf /opt/Mobius/Java NOTE: Replace the name of the JRE with the currently installed version. Third, install the new version of Java: 4. rpm -ivh --prefix /opt/Mobius/Java /tmp/jre-8u211-linux-x64.rpm NOTE: Replace the name of the RPM file with the one that is in /tmp. NOTE: Java is installed in /opt/Mobius/Java, so run the following commands as 'root'. Ignore the symbolic link error: 5. Create the new symbolic link based on the JRE location: ln -s /opt/Mobius/Java/jre1.8.0_211-amd64 /opt/Mobius/Java/jre 6. Make sure all MPmon files are owned by the MPmon application owner, i.e.: chown -R shrboadmin:shrboadmin /opt/Mobius Fourth, test the MPmon changes: 7. Test the new version of Java: /opt/Mobius/Java/jre/bin/java -version Will show something like the following but with the new version number: java version "1.8.0_211" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_211-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.211-b12, mixed mode) 8. Login as the MPmon application owner and test the updated version of "mpmon". Verify MPmon is operating normally using all available MPmon Configuration files and notification options: #=====================================================================# # MPmon v5.2.2 # # Powered By Mobius Partners # # Copyright 2000 - 2019 Mobius Partners # # (www.mobiuspartners.com) All rights reserved # #=====================================================================# MPmon v5.2.2 (Build 2019-06-20 23:36:47) on host $HOSTNAME Thank you for using MPmon!