MARCH 2021 – In The Loop
We hope that everyone has recovered – mentally, physically and financially – from last month’s winter event. The storm was challenging in many ways and we want to thank the customers we helped during that time for giving us the opportunity to help you stay on track. If you still need support, we hope you have been in contact with your account executive. We are always here to help.
Looking forward to seeing you in our Möbius Madness bracket contest. Good luck!
~ Jay and Junab
Weathering the Storm
Two of the customers we were able to assist during the recent storm provide great examples of how Möbius Partners is the IT team companies want in their corner.

Jamail & Smith lost power during the storm, not only at its offices, but also at its data center. Fortunately, a potential crisis was averted. The high-availability battery backups we installed, supported by fuel trucks that kept the generators going, helped their systems stay up and running with no downtime. We were also able to support their employees as they worked remotely while the city was under snow and ice.

Friede & Goldman experienced similar difficulties due to the weather. However, in advance of the severe winter weather – in fact, long before anyone knew the storm was brewing – we had migrated the company’s servers to iland®, an off-premises cloud solution, that ensured employees who still had power at home could continue working remotely.
Groovers Talk Tech – Breaking IT down Podcast
Our experts are excited to share insights, experience, and advice on all things IT. We are here to break down IT concepts and share best practices. We hope you find these episodes informative and helpful. Click here for the podcast page.
If you’re interested in being a featured guest, please click here.
Our AI Helps Your UX
How’s your end-user experience? Are you sure? Our team can stop UX problems before they ever start with AI-based alerts. Learn the how and why in this helpful video. We have a no-cost assessment also available – click here to be contacted.
Rent-A-Center Discusses Successful Data Center Migration Amid a Pandemic
Rent-A-Center came to us with a difficult problem: They needed to migrate its on-premises data center to a co-location center, but the process absolutely couldn’t affect its stores. Data center migration can be tricky during the best of times, and then add a pandemic to the equation. We were up for the challenge and the result was successful project deployment with a celebration at the end. Click here to see how our solutions leveraged our deep expertise and saved our customer more than $1 Million.
Clearpass: The Clear Winner for Network Access Control
All customers want their network safe from malicious software and bad actors. But do you allow devices on your wired and wireless networks without authenticating? Learn why controlling access to your network is critical for security here.
Customer Consortiums – A Peer Community
We’re planning small roundtables where customers come together (virtually) to discuss issues, best practices, challenges and solutions. If you would be interested, please click here.

March Madness might be different this year, but the 10th Annual Möbius Madness bracket contest is on.
Don’t miss your chance to get in on the (virtual) fun!
Sign up here by March 18th.