Join us for the HPE Software Customer Roundtable at Topgolf

HPE Software Customer Roundtable
Embracing “Seismic Shifts” in Software Development and Quality
Deliver with speed, quality and scale

Manage and deliver amazing apps with speed, quality and scale within a changing landscape

The speed of business and development is rapidly changing how we manage quality and test software – including processes, skill sets, practices and tools. Legacy solutions for quality management and testing were not historically designed to support today’s chaotic reality of agile and continuous delivery and exploding device footprints. This bold and timely reality demands a new approach. One that embraces open dev tool integration, comprehensive task and process automation, complete lifecycle and pipeline traceability and predictive analytical insights in a lean, DevOps approach. How are you responding?

Join HPE and your peers for this insightful roundtable to investigate how these changes are evolving the way software is defined, built, tested and delivered.

In this roundtable we will cover:

  • The primary disruptions from a market obsessed with speed, quality and scale
  • How DevOps continuous integration and delivery and Agile development change the game for QA
  • How proven practices such as shift left and continuous testing, and cloud test environment virtualization enable QA to put the quality in DevOps
  • How HPE is responding to this changing landscape

Afterwards, join us to play some golf and network with your peers. A Golf Pro will be there to answer any questions and give you pointers on how to improve your game!

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017 @ 12:00pm

Topgolf Allen

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